Gift Ideas

Tea Drinker Personalize a Tea-for-One …add purchased tea and tea book.
Romantic Paint a candle holder and include a beautiful scented candle you have purchased.
Wine Enthusiast Paint a wine cooler and add a bottle of their favorite wine.
Cook Create a large pasta bowl and add a purchased cookbook and pasta.
Gardner Paint a dish garden to get through the cold winter months. Add seeds and/or a subscription to a gardening magazine.
Coffee Drinker Paint one of a selection of coffee cups and include flavored coffee beans.
Dog/Cat Lover Personalize a dog or cat bowl or paint a jar to hold their pet’s favorite treats. Add biscuits and/or toys.
Children A Bank… (include money, of course). A Child’s Feeding Set with Initials, or Pencil Cup for crayons.
Teacher/Coach/Babysitter Paint a mug or an ornament. Don’t forget to date it!
Hardest Person on Your List


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